Portfolio Rubric

Category Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score


Creative and attractive cover with color and graphics, clear organization, readable and neat, title page, table of contents, section dividers, and three ring binder.

Contains title page, table of contents, section dividers, and three ring binder.

Contains 3 of 4 criteria for meets; and /or poorly organized and difficult to read; lacking neatness.

No organization, missing significant 2 of 4 criteria.

Absent structure and organization.



All required information is discerned with clarity and precision and contains all items listed in Meets category

Contains: application, abstract, research paper, lab report, observation log, reflective essay, guide and rubrics.

Contains 5 – 6 of criteria for meets; and /or poorly organized

Contains less than 5 criteria for meets.

Absent contents, structure and organization.