Lab Report Rubric

Category Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score

Title Page



Your Name, Teacher鈥檚 Name, Course Period,

Date, Neatly finished-no errors

Missing 1 component

Missing 2 鈥 4 components

Missing more than 4 components




Clear and concise problem stated that is testable.

Identifies the question in an unclear manner, but is still testable.

Identifies only part of the question, but is still testable

The question is not testable no matter how clear and concise the question is.



Hypothe sis

Follows 鈥渋f鈥hen鈥 because鈥 format.

Is related to the question.

Clearly defines controls vs. variables in 鈥渋f鈥 portion.

Predicts with correct facts.

Follows 鈥渋f鈥hen鈥 because鈥 format.

Is related to the question.

Defines controls vs. variables in 鈥渋f鈥 portion in an unclear manner.

Predicts with correct facts

Follows 鈥渋f鈥hen鈥 because鈥 format.

Is related to the question.

Defines controls vs. variables in 鈥渋f鈥 portion in an unclear manner.

Predicts with some facts.

Follows 鈥渋f鈥hen鈥 because鈥 format.

Is related to the question.

Defines controls vs. variables in 鈥渋f鈥 portion in an unclear manner.

Predicts with no facts




Lists all materials and equipment.

Lists most materials and equipment.

Lists some of the materials & equipment.

Lists wrong materials or equipment.




Lists all steps in a detailed, sequential order that are easily followed.

All safety precautions and warnings are provided.

Provides diagrams of all setups.

Lists all steps in a sequential order that are not easily followed.

All safety precautions and warnings are provided.

Provides diagrams of all setups.

Lists all steps in a sequential order that are not easily followed.

All safety precautions and warnings are missing.

Provides some diagrams of setups.

Lists steps in an order that are not sequential, not easily followed, or incomplete.

Some safety precautions and warnings are not provided. Provides some diagrams of setups.




All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. All visible observations are provided.

Complete and correct analysis of data is provided.

Errors of Experimentation are provided.

All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. All visible observations are provided.

Analysis of data is provided with a few errors.

Errors of experimentation are provided.

All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. Visible observations are missing.

Analysis of data is provided with a few errors.

Errors of experimentation are provided.

Incorrect data is provided regardless of inclusion or

presentation of all other criteria.




Restates the hypothesis, supports or refutes it and explains the role of the test in making the decision

Restates the hypothesis and supports or refutes it

Supports or refutes the hypothesis without restating it

Does not address the hypothesis




No errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling.

Almost no errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling.

Many errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling.

Numerous and distracting errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling.




No errors sentence structure and word usage.

Almost no errors in sentence structure and word usage.

Many errors in sentence structure and word usage.

Numerous and distracting errors in sentence structure and word usage.