Move-in Dates
- Residence Halls open Saturday, January 18 starting at 8:00 a.m.
- Early Arrivals: Students approved to arrive before January 18 and will be notified by HRL via email. Please review Early Arrival Application process and policies.
Check-in information
Returning to the same room as Fall
Self Check-in, students may return to their Spring rooms upon opening without stopping by HRL.
Winter Break Hosts: Hosts may check in with HRL to retreive their key (see below) if the room and key were used for Winter Housing.
Moving into a new Spring Room
Business Hours - Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January19
- 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Check-in Station – Housing and Residence Life, 132 Smith Campus Center.
After Hours Check-in instructions
- Students arriving on campus after 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday nights can pick up their key at Campus Safety, located at 100 S Mills Avenue.
- Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, remaining check-ins may pick up their key via Campus Safety, located at 100 S Mills Avenue.
Additional Move-in Information
Holds and Move-in
Students who have not completed their required medical forms, financial aid application and process, or have account holds in place will be notified that they have a hold on their account and are not be given a room key or allowed to stay on campus until these matters have been resolved.
Please resolve any issues before coming to campus.
- Medical Holds - Please reach out to .
- Business Holds – Please reach out to Student Accounts or Financial Aid.
Holds must be cleared IN WRITING and provided to HRL to approve Move-in.
Winter Break Leaves
- Students that have declared a Leave, Withdraw, or Transfer with the Dean of Students Office during Winter Break and still have items on campus will have 3 business days to schedule a return to campus to pack up their room OR coordinate with to pack and ship any remaining items.
- Room access will only be provided during Winter Break business days (Not during the Winter Campus Closure) between 9:00am - 5:00pm. Items must be removed by the beginning of Spring Semester.
- If no plan is coordinated within 3 days, HRL will initiate packing and shipping of any remaining items with , with costs forwarded to student accounts.
Student Mailroom Information
- Location: The Mailroom has moved to
- Mailroom Website
- Hours: Saturday, January 13 and Sunday, January 14, TBA
- Students must have their Student ID Card to pick up packages.
Dining Hall Information
- Saturday - January 18 - please review dining schedules
- Sunday - January 19 - start of normal semester schedule
Storage Unit Information
- All storage units must be registered (registration, dates, and delivery directions at this ).
Approved Drop-Off Sites
- North – 8th Street (& Amherst) parking spots
- South – Kenyon House
- Do not have pods delivered to any other locations.
Approved Dates
- Earliest Arrival – Friday before approved move-in.
- Last Departure – All units must be removed by Tuesday after returning student opening.
- Please do not keep your storage container on campus more than 4 days.