Residence Hall Staff Applications

Residence Hall Staff Photo

We are excited to announce the opening of the RHS Applications. We're looking for some extraordinary student leaders to join our Resident Advisor, Head Sponsor and Sponsor (RHS) teams for the 2024-2025 academic year. These multidimensional professional development experiences are one of the few opportunities where students can utilize programming, community building, communication, and administrative skills all at the same time!

The selection process is designed to allow students an educational experience as they interview for the respective role of consideration. Being a part of the RHS team, students have the opportunity to grow, learn about themselves, and gain important transferable job skills. To apply, candidates are expected to participate in the selection process that includes:

  • We also suggest following our social media pages and . If you have other questions, you may contact 
  • Complete an application by logging on to . Please note the application includes all the information submitted in our Microsoft Forms link in Handshake as well as a resume and cover letter.
  • Interviews will be conducted asynchronously using . Log-in credentials and additional information will be provided to applicants.

New Resident Advisor Position

Position Description and Application Link

Review the , additional position and the external application details can be found

Application and Interview Information

Application Timeline

  • Applications will be recieved using the external found on Handshake
  • Application Opens - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024
  • Application Deadline - Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Application Materials

  • Resume and Cover Letter is required before submission. For assistance on creating a resume and cover letter, please reach out to the Career Development Office, or reference this link.

Interview Timeline

  • Interviews will be conducted asynchronously using . Log-in credentials and additional information will be provided to applicants. 
  • Interviews open - Monday, Feb 6, 2024
  • Interview Deadline - Sun, Feb 11, 2024 @ 11:59pm


Info Sessions, Tabling, Candidate Social

Info Sessions

  • Info Session - Tuesday, Jan 23 7pm - 8pm @ Zoom
  • Virtual Recording -

Tabling Sessions

  • Thurs, Jan 18, 2024 - Frank Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm
  • Thurs, Jan 25, 2024 - Frary Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm

RA Candidate Social

  • Candidates are invited to an open house to informally meet current members of the RHS and HRL teams as well as ask questions regarding the RA position and HRL services. 
  •  Mon, Feb 5, 224 - Edmunds Ballroom - 12:00pm noon - 1:00pm

Head Sponsor

Position Description and Application Link

Review the additional position and the external application details can be found

Application and Interview Information

Application Timeline

  • Applications will be recieved using the external found on Handshake
  • Application Opens - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024
  • Application Deadline - Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Application Materials

  • Resume and Cover Letter is required before submission. For assistance on creating a resume and cover letter, please reach out to the Career Development Office, or reference this link.

Interview Timeline

  • Interviews will be conducted asynchronously using Log-in credentials and additional information will be provided to applicants.
  • Interviews open - Monday, Feb 6, 2024
  • Interview Deadline - Sun, Feb 11, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Info Sessions, Tabling

Info Sessions

  • Info Session - Tuesday, Jan 23 7pm - 8pm @ Zoom
  • Virtual Recording -

Tabling Sessions

  • Thurs, Jan 18, 2024 - Frank Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm
  • Thurs, Jan 25, 2024 - Frary Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm


Position Description and Application Link

Review the additional position and the external application details can be found

Application and Interview Information

Application Timeline

  • Applications will be recieved using the external found on Handshake
  • Application Opens - Friday, Feb 16, 2024
  • Application Deadline - Friday, Mar 1, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Application Materials

  • Resume and Cover Letter is required before submission. For assistance on creating a resume and cover letter, please reach out to the Career Development Office, or reference this link.

Interview Timeline

  • Interviews will be conducted asynchronously using Log-in credentials and additional information will be provided to applicants.
  • Interviews open - Monday, Mar 18, 2024
  • Interview Deadline - Friday, Mar 22, 2024 @ 11:59pm

Info Sessions & Tabling

Info Sessions

  • Info Session - Tuesday, Jan 23 7pm - 8pm @ Zoom
  • Virtual Recording -

Tabling Sessions

  • Thurs, Jan 18, 2024 - Frank Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm
  • Thurs, Jan 25, 2024 - Frary Dining Hall - 12:00pm noon - 1:30pm

Office Assistant

Application Link

Review the Summer Office Assistant position description, and the external application details,